"On the SEVENTH day of Fiddlehead my true love gave to me... Forget about seven swans-a-swimming, because your creative thought bubble could leave you a-winning!" For our "Seventh Day of Fiddlehead" we asked you, what is Kathy thinking in this photo? Thank you to everyone that submitted their thoughts! We had a lot of great entries, but here are our favorites... Top 3 Entries
"This head band is so tight it makes me look like I am constantly smiling" - Bruce C. "Hold on a sec...you won't believe it but seven swans just landed" - Bruce B. "I think those guys just called me a bad name in Spanish" - Paolo Other Favorites "I don't mean to wine about it, but my life is pretty grape. Over." - Hiram "150 mini cupcakes, stat! 24 carrot for Stephen" - Marten & Theresa "Is this thing on? Hello...?" - Marc "How in the world did I get reception out here?" - Peggy "This would be a great setting for Sideways 2 and it wouldn't hurt business either!" - Robert "Ok, give me 10 minutes and I'll find a way to get to your place for that Midnight Moon and the Anniversary Blend!" - Maggie "Let's see...where is that port-a-john?" - Becky
Weekday and Weekend tastings available by advance appointment only. Call or email to request private tasting appointments and to coordinate wine purchases and pick-ups. 805.735.7728 (weekdays); [email protected] Please note, the buyer is responsible for all charges associated with all returned shipments, including those not delivered due to intoxication. Also, wines being held on our courtesy "Will Call" shelf are considered a completed sale and cannot be refunded for any reason. |